Breaking up is hard to do
Your stylist needs to be as invested in your appearance as you are. Evaluate the services you receive and...
Continue ReadingYour stylist needs to be as invested in your appearance as you are. Evaluate the services you receive and...
Continue ReadingLook at photographs from when photography was first invented at the turn of the century. Women had hair down...
Continue ReadingSo this day began with an early call from my mom waking me up and telling me she was having...
Continue ReadingIt seems that everyday there is one step forward, one step back. Thanks to Dawn over at tampdogooder blog for...
Continue ReadingSo all I planned for, all those months of negotiation, seem all for naught. It seems that the architectural design...
Continue ReadingSo after months of negotiations we've finally got the contract signed. So Tribeca ColorSalon Ybor Centro is a definite reality. ...
Continue ReadingSorry it's been awhile. Actually I know nobody is reading this anyway, but I've finally got something to write about! ...
Continue ReadingSo here we begin our tale. Today I'm just going to let you know who I am and set a...
Continue ReadingMAESTRO 2 Originally From Buffalo, New York Education The Salon Professional Academy - Buffalo, NY & Tampa, FL Personality in Three Words Bubbly, Friendly, Hilarious Works Best...
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