Hair breakage: Am I losing my hair?
Did you know that we lose up to 100 strands of hair per day? Hair loss is 30% chemical and 70% hereditary. While there’s no need to sound the alarm on normal hair loss, you can surely take steps to retain your hair and keep it as healthy as possible. Our hair experts are sharing how to know if your hair breakage is excessive.
Shedding vs Breakage
The main difference between hair loss and hair breakage is the length of the hair. Hair loss is when hair naturally falls from the root.
When experiencing hair loss, it will always be long whole strands and hair breakage will result with short pieces of hair. Hair breakage is a fracture on any area of the hair shaft causing shorter pieces of hair than the healthy hair on your head.
Am I losing my hair?
Look at the hair in your brush to determine the difference. You’re losing hair if the root is still attached (the white bulb that many people often mistake for product buildup or dandruff).
You are experiencing breakage if the ends are frayed or look chewed. When your hair shaft breaks it results in split ends making your hair strands shorter. You may notice that your hair loses color and turns to split ends before the hair shaft breaks.
Generally, breakage is largely a result of mishandling your hair, chemical buildup or excessive usage of heat styling products, and even using the wrong hairbrush. Talk to our hair specialists to find out what type of hair brush you should be using.
The Root of the Issue
Poor hair diet or genetics can be to blame for hair loss or shedding. However, it is not a cause for concern unless you are experiencing bald patches on your scalp.
Lack of proper hair regimen can result in hair breakage. This includes neglect, the misapplication of product, over-processing, and excessive tension on hair. Due to its texture and possibility of getting tangled, curly hair is especially prone to breakage.
Common Hair Breakage Causes
- Nutritional imbalances
- Heat Damage
- Dry, brittle hair
- Split ends
- Over–processed hair
- Excessively pulling or twirling your hair
- Hairstyles that case tension
- Transitioning out of relaxer
Have a goal to achieve healthier hair? Our top-rated hairstylists are on hand to help! Visit us in Ybor City, South Tampa, or starting February 2020 Seminole Heights!
Reparative Hair Products
If you are worried about losing too many hairs and wish to treat hair fall, the solution can be as simple as using a shampoo and conditioner targeted towards the problem. The Davines MELU shampoo is formulated with ingredients which help reinforce your hair strength. We love this restorative shampoo because its formula, characterized by a soft and creamy foam, is designed to gently cleanse your hair, making it shiny and silky – and less prone to breakage.
When your hair feels dry and is damaged this may lead to hair breakage. You need a product that will effectively treat the problem. When it comes to this concern, we trust the Zenagen Revolve system. It is easy-to-use hair for both male and female pattern baldness and other common types of hair shedding and thinning. When used regularly, it progressively increases the hair’s resistance to breakage. Don’t forget to finish with a lightweight, leave in conditioner!
Prevent Shedding and Breakage
Being diligent during detangling is one way to decrease both hair loss and breakage. Use a wide-toothed comb or wet brush while being extra gentle and regularly conditioning your strands. It is also important to get regular trims.
You can prevent excessive breakage and loss by focusing on the health of your hair. You can contribute to the overall health of your hair by staying hydrated, eating a healthy diet, taking biotin supplements, and weekly deep conditioning treatments.
You should see a noticeable improvement in your locks if you follow these tips. Is it time for a trim or are you in need of some quality hair products? Invest in your hair and book an appointment at one of our convenient locations in South Tampa or Ybor City!